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3 Easy to Ways to End Back-To-School Drama

For Busy Moms Only: 3 Easy-to-Initiate Tips to End Back-to-School Drama

Back-to-school time can feel like mass chaos for busy, working moms: schedules to sync, busses to catch, missing backpacks, keys, last minute school supplies, school uniform adjustments, crazy commutes … it’s enough to make the calmest and most patient among us want to run way.

I have good news: Mornings don’t need to be so hectic. In fact, I have a few fixes I think will bring more serenity and calm to your morning routines.

All it takes is a little bit of planning and commitment to reign in the morning drama. Here are 3 suggestions to help:

  1. Simplify your calendar: delay out-of-town travel (send another employee, shorten trip by taking earlier flight, handle via conference/video call); say “No” to your afterschool and evening activities/meetings and/or ask for and hold the group to meeting agendas.

  2. Plan meals in advance: I truly know how tough this can be, but what if you listed 10 of your family’s favorite meals, then used them as a base to rotate over two weeks? Here's one of my new fave sites for weeknight recipes. They’re simple but tasty and simple!

  3. Set an example: Practice the behavior you want your kids to have – including getting enough sleep! I’m guilty of this habit of staying up late to “do just one more thing”, too. But in the long run, the extra time you spend isn’t worth the price you pay the next day. Practice what you want the kids to do this just in September to clear your schedule for the kids.

That’s it! Three simple practices you can do right now to make your mornings easier.

If you need help planning meals give me a call or send an email. Believe me, I keep it simple!

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