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What they’re saying

This is what my clients say about my work. 

I guarantee 100% satisfaction on my work, and hope to include your review on this page in the future.  If you want to contact one of the references just let me know and I'll put you in touch.  

“It is such a breath of fresh air working with Simply Handled! Sheila is efficient, super organized, and willing to tackle any drawer, cabinet, box or closet – no matter how cluttered! It’s amazing how the simple act of organizing has brought a huge sense of relief and allows me to walk into my kitchen and know what’s where. She’s wonderful!”

“When I saw what Sheila did in my friend’s basement, I realized I’d never be able to pull that off alone.  At that moment I decided enough was enough and called Simply Handled. She helped me realize how much stuff I was hanging onto when it wasn’t serving a purpose.  My family is now able to find things in the basement and things are labeled so they know where to put them back.”   MAUREEN E. PROFESSOR, NURSING
“I am a working mom with a nine year old daughter, and I have worked with Sheila Burke
over the past few years getting closets and my basement organized. The big challenge was
my daughter’s closet as Simply Handled needed to create an easy system for my daughter
could use to easily store all the doll clothes and accessories.

Sheila is amazing; she is prompt and accurate with her help. She checks on small things and
helps me keep my life simplified. I have found it hard to trust someone else with important
details and Sheila does a beautiful job."   


“Sheila was a wonderful resource to me when we moved my elderly Aunt into a Memory Care facility. I relied on her to research and handle tasks such as finding a moving company and arranging storage for extra furniture and other items. Sheila worked with the movers to ensure possessions were carefully handled. She shopped for towels and bed linens and helped set up the room so my Aunt felt comfortable in her new residence. Sheila shopped online to find and order clothing my aunt likes.  She made calls and sent emails to 80+ companies and organizations requesting removal from mailing lists and made the necessary contacts to change her address. In addition, I entrusted Sheila to close certain accounts. There are many other examples -- but Sheila was a godsend during this time of transition. ” KAREN H. FOUNDER, ELDER CARE SERVICES 
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